You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.14. Inventory - Adjustments > Inventory - Adjustments - Stocktake > Stocktake Methods > Multi Bin Method
Multi Bin Method
  1. Create an initial stocktake batch with all items for the warehouse.

Select INVENTORY | ADJUSTMENTS | STOCKTAKE, enter a Description that clearly identifies the purpose of the stocktake batch (e.g. Initial MB Setup Zero SOH May 2013), then press Enter.

  1. In the Create Stocktake Batch screen, select Overwrite SOH with Stocktake Qty as the Stocktake Method and leave all other options as the default.

  1. Create the item list then zero the SOH quantities:



When you select CREATE ITEMS, Micronet scans all the items in the batch and displays a warning message if there are any items in the batch where the quantity in the Multi Bin file is not the same as the quantity in the Warehouse Item Bin file. The message displays a list of the items affected and a warning explaining that an imbalance could cause an incorrect value to be posted to the General Ledger. If this warning is displayed, contact the Micronet Service Desk to have the problem fixed before you continue. You should take a screenshot of the list or attach the stocktake.err file to your Micronet Assist incident.

  1. Post the stocktake to set the SOH to zero:

  1. Create the required number of sub-batches (the method and quantity or breakdown of batches depends on site requirements and setup) to count the entire warehouse:

  1. In the Create Stocktake Batch screen, select Append Stocktake Qty to SOH as the Stocktake Method and set the other options as required (refer to "Creating a New Stocktake Batch" for an explanation of the other fields).

  1. Create the item list:

  1. Print the count sheets and perform the physical count:
  1. When the physical count is complete for each sub-batch, recall the sub-batch to enter the  new quantities:

  1. Enter the count quantity for each item in the Enter Stocktake Line screen:


Technical Tip

If you have multi bins enabled, you need to double click on a bin at the right of the screen and enter the counted quantity in the New Quantity field, then repeat for each bin for each item.

  1. Post the stocktake batch to build the SOH levels: